Wesak Project 2019 - Ananda Class

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For 2 consecutive Sunday classes, Ananda students were diligently drawing, colouring and folding origami lotus flowers. Great teamwork was required to complete the ten pieces that finally went on display during Wesak Day.

Melissa, Jing Ni, Ean Qi and Sydnee were well equipped with an extensive range of colouring materials and tools, including a hot-glue gun. These girls produced a beautifully coloured drawing of the Buddha on a Bodhi leaf, with creative watercolour brush strokes in the background. Melissa guided her team-mates to create the lavender paper flowers. Sydnee’s meticulous effort in drawing the complicated BISDS logo was jointly coloured by many classmates who took turns to help.

Sheng Ming, Khi Jet, Jie Yung and Alex were tasked to draw and colour the Buddhist Flag. Jie Yung produced two solo pieces of the Anjali palms pressed together and the calm face of the Buddha. Sheng Ming also produced his solo effort of the statue of the Buddha.

Yuet Theng, Dylan and Jia Xi folded origami lotus flowers to embellish a drawing of a lotus flower. Willy also participated in this team effort that also coloured the class logo. Yuet Theng and Dylan also produced their solo pieces of the Stupa respectively.

Wei Yew, Poka and Soi Ha folded origami lotus flowers and jointly coloured the Dhamma wheel with the handwritten words of the Noble Eightfold Path. They assisted other classmates in colouring the class logo and the BISDS logo.

On Wesak Day, Melissa and Sheng Ming represented the Ananda class to volunteer at the Lotus Fountain and selling flowers/candles near the main entrance.

By sis Woon Lay Sean, sis Ong Sim Leng & sis Lim Hooi Hoon ( teachers of Ananda)